Tales of Faith, Hope and Humanity. Faith

Finding ourselves in social isolation has allowed time for personal reflection and writing. Growing up in a small farming community where everyone, and I mean everyone, in our area went to church, was a privilege I now realise.

At our HES, later a High School, each week as well as religious education I also had the opportunity to voluntarily belong to ISCF  (Inter School Christian Fellowship). Often we would have the opportunity to walk to the local Pressie Church to view a film. One memorable film for me was John Bunyan’s ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’. This film influenced my decision to follow Christ.

In becoming a trained teacher I had some skills and many opportunities to share my faith with young people via Sunday school classes and Youth groups in Maffra, Heathmont and Golden Square. In sharing I often learnt as much or more than  I taught.

There have been many blessings throughout my faith journey; to belong to inspiring Church choirs, to have a faithful life partner, to be part of a vibrant home fellowship group, to serve as an office bearer, to be a pastoral carer and to have someone care for me, to appreciate nature, to make wonderful friends who have supported me through the happy and the sad times and to know that whatever happens in life God is always with us.

Hope and happiness, along with courage, compassion and concern help us as we go through life. I trust that we all may know love and peace and justice today and every day.
