Tales of Faith, Hope and Humanity. A prayer for the Solstice.

Awakening God,

We have moved and lived in a time of increasing darkness and isolation.

We have been through the longest night.

In the night we searched for the starlight, for points of promise to guide our way. For some of us they were dim and hard to see; obscured by cloud or failing sight. For some of us they were clear, sparkling; a promise of the brightness and warmth to come.

The days have become shorter, and our lives, in turn, have felt reduced and enclosed.

May this be a turning point.

The shortness of day was a chance to rest and shorten the busyness of our days. The feeling of being enclosed was the encompassing of our lives with prayer and support for each other.

As the days become longer may we take this quiet and gentleness with us.

As the days lengthen may we encompass the lives of others with compassion and love.

As the days grow in warmth may we remember to bring warmth to our own lives.

As the days lengthen, as the world around us awakens, may we remember that for others the night still seems long. Help us to be starlight to them.

As the days lengthen, as the world around us awakens, may we remember that there is not balance and equality. Help us to be beacons of truth and justice.

May we be a turning point.


Elise – 2020