Tales of Faith, Hope and Humanity – Weeroona 2020

Do you have something to share?   
Tales of Faith, Hope and Humanity – Weeroona 2020
Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of trouble. Prov. 17:17 (Msg)
The Discipleship Commission would like to invite you to participate in the Tales of Faith, Hope and Humanity – Weeroona 2020. We are inviting each and every member of the congregation to contribute to the life of the congregation during this time. We understand it’s hard to keep up-to-date with each other and a lot of us are looking for things to challenge, encourage and excite us.
We are looking at having a different person provide a contribution to the congregation each week. These might include a letter, a reflection on a song or poem that’s a personal favourite, a bible passage, a book chapter review, a story of your faith or a photo. There is no right or wrong.
If you are looking for some ideas to get you started here are some themes to think about: What sustains you? What helps you in time of loneliness? What is a favourite bible story/song/hymn and why?
It is planned to share these via email, the WUCB Facebook page and, where possible, a paper copy.
Once the pandemic has passed and we can once again meet again we would like to collate all of the contributions and turn them into a book to commemorate the fellowship and strength of our congregation during this time.
If you would like to participate please contact myself at discipleship.wucb@gmail.com or your pastoral carer.
Yours in Christ,
Emily on behalf of the Discipleship Commission

Editor’s Note.
It is planned to add a special page to the website to publish the contributions received . Until then they will appear under their headings on this page.